
Mar 19, 2024   |   General

If you’re running a business, you know high employee turnover can be a detriment to the bottom line. 从招聘到培训, 组织效率低下和负面的客户体验, replacing a full-time employee can cost you up to the equivalent of double their salary.1

这一点尤其令人担忧, 世界性的事件几乎扰乱了商业领域的每一个领域. Fortunately, though, 通过仔细查看您的操作并进行一些经过计算的更改, 你可以大大提高留住顶尖人才的机会.

Here are a few reasons companies may have high turnover rates and some tips for improvement.

Culture is Key

根据量子工作场所的研究, of 32,接受调查的000人, 66%的员工表示,公司文化对他们的工作和行为产生了积极影响.2

“积极文化”的含义各不相同, 但是像合作这样的因素, safety, equity, respect, 问责制对于任何团队的士气和动力都是至关重要的.

如果你觉得你的文化需要改进, 调查员工关心的问题,并及时解决. 之后,开始探索公司的价值观. 你认为赋予员工权力是最重要的吗? 也许你认为灵活性和轻松的氛围是激励因素. 或者你想把家庭和工作与生活的平衡放在首位.

一旦你确立了自己的价值观, 与你的团队沟通, 然后通过你的品牌来强化它们, internal messaging, employee reviews, meeting protocols, 以及主要的商业决策.


根据劳动力研究所的数据,92%的高度敬业的员工 与30%的高度不敬业的员工相比,他们在工作场所感到被倾听. 3

通过创造一种让员工感到被倾听的文化, you can give your team a sense of control which could lead to increased loyalty and engagement. Doing so may also allow you access to the unique perspectives of employees in all areas of your business.


如果你还没有的话, implement an open-door policy that allows employees to feel comfortable talking to peers and management, 不管他们的头衔是什么. After that, conduct ongoing individual check-ins with employees and make time for regular team meetings.

Surveys and polls are also great ways to gather feedback and ensure that your team feels heard.

And of course, 你必须学会接受建设性的批评, 及时、公平地解决问题, and always follow up with your employees to get their opinions on changes you’ve made.


当你的员工感到被赏识时, 通常生产率会提高, 团队合作得到加强, 参与度得到了提高. However, when employees don’t feel appreciated, the impact on turnover can be severe. In fact, 根据管理咨询公司麦肯锡最近的研究, 感觉不受重视是员工选择离职的一个关键因素.4

有无数的方法可以让你的团队感到被重视. 传递积极的内部或客户反馈. 用个性化的手写便条感谢他们. You may even out specific employees and reward their accomplishments when warranted.

You can also organize team appreciation events, employee-of-the-month programs, or earned time off.


Besides pay, the number one reason employees leave their jobs is lack of potential for career growth.5

如果你的公司有晋升的空间, posting job openings internally ensures that employees understand their upward mobility options.

Helping workers map their career paths and setting clear expectations for them can also lead to a sense that they are on the road to promotion.

Things get a little more challenging if there simply aren’t advancement opportunities in your company. 在这种情况下,解决方案可能是扩展你对进步的定义.

One way to do this is by getting creative and providing growth outside of traditional promotions.

An example might be to offer more fulfilling special projects such as mentoring others or leading a community outreach program. Doing meaningful work like this can help keep your employees feeling rewarded and engaged.

You can also provide personal and professional development training as part of their benefits package as we’ll discuss below.

Employee Benefits

通过实现已经分享的技巧, you may be well on your way to increasing employee satisfaction and reducing turnover. There is one other factor, though, that may be playing a part in your retention struggles – benefits.

Offering a competitive benefits package can help attract top talent and lets your team know you’re invested in their health and future.

In addition to the standard retirement programs and health insurance offerings, 还有很多其他的好处你可以考虑. Bonuses, commissions, stock options, flexible schedules, 远程/混合工作机会就是其中的几个例子.

Providing tuition assistance and professional development programs is another option for retaining employees and keeping them engaged. Especially, as mentioned earlier, if a path to formal advancement isn’t currently available.

By adding tuition aid to your benefit package you offer your team a break from out-of-pocket tuition costs – a perk too good for some employees to pass up. What’s more, 76% of workers participating in a tuition reimbursement program say they are more likely to stay with their current company because of this benefit.6

Learn How CTU May Be Able To Help Provide a Debt-Free* College Education Path for Your Employees

科罗拉多理工大学 offers flexible online and mobile courses and degree programs designed for busy adults. And with CTU’s Commitment Grant, 除了贵公司合格的学费援助计划, 符合条件的员工的学费可能会被覆盖到100%.**

Learn more about working with CTU to promote a culture of learning at your company.

1 Shane McFeely和Ben Wigert,“这个可解决的问题花费了美国.S. 商业价值1万亿美元” http://www.gallup.com/workplace/247391/fixable-problem-costs-businesses-trillion.aspx, March 13, 2019
2 Ryba, Kristin. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.” August 22, 2023. http://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/importance-of-organizational-culturesearch,
3 Workforce Institute. “听到的和没有听到的。.” 2021. http://workforceinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Heard-and-the-Heard-Nots.pdf
4 De Smet, Dowling, and Mugayar-Baldocchi, “’Great Attrition’ or ‘Great Attraction’? The choice is yours.” September 8, 2021. http://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/great-attrition-or-great-attraction-the-choice-is-yours,
5 Parker and Horowitz. “到2021年,大多数辞职的人都认为工资太低, 没有晋升机会, feeling disrespected.” March 9, 2022. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/09/majority-of-workers-who-quit-a-job-in-2021-cite-low-pay-no-opportunities-for-advancement-feeling-disrespected/
6 Wingo, Lauren. 如何提供员工学费报销.” December 16, 2021. http://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/employee-tuition-reimbursement

*The Commitment Grant may cover the remaining cost of completing a CTU degree after applying the portion covered by the alliance member’s employee tuition assistance. 如果学生选择申请联邦贷款, 他们不再有资格获得承诺奖助金, 因此没有资格享受免债务教育.

**University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the University Catalog and are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met. 获得助学金或奖学金的学生, 包括承诺补助金, 必须继续满足项目的资格要求吗. 有关承诺奖助金的条款和条件,请参阅tugofm.wash1.net/commitment-grant/terms-and-conditions. Eligibility may vary depending on your company’s tuition assistance policy and your program choice.

CTU不能保证就业、工资或职业发展. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民 and certain foreign countries. REQ1966856 1/2024
